[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


fuck this. I dont like this

but unvote i will.

however not gonna give more tractin to Jgoes kill

Marshal = slight scum
Alice = STRONG town
Datbird = slight town read
Kai_5 = Made a strange play. Seems towny.
Napoleon = slight town read
Arete = NS N1 according to Italy
Luxy = slight town read
SirDerpsAlot = making attempts to scum read for the first time, showing progression, town.
Italy = Paladin
Jgoesgaming = New player, seems towny
Vulgard = Bad logic, Null read objectively.
Centuries = King
Teleology = Me (Priest)
Magnus = Hunter
OzzKozz = Paladin. STRONG town
H_Hja = Butlerā€¦ potential convert? (Depending if Kyo was exexuted in jail or not)

Now I am terribly confused on who is evil

odds derp flips town?

His tone was good early on, but his entire play during your reaction test was just WTF.

Basically, my immediate PoE is Jgo/Derp/Marshall/Dat/Soul/Frost atp.

Was Derp bandwagoning on the Ozz lynch?

thatā€™s my thoughts as well.

I agree with that PoE as well

Some of those reads I havenā€™t made changes to yet

yeah kinda.

but if anyting that should indicate town.

I donā€™t necessarily agree

Marshal oh Marshal, please reveal as to why you want to quicklynch?

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Derp, when you voted Jgoes, did you know it was a reaction test?

the last thing i want to do is quicklynch at this point.

If you mean why i wanted ozz dead?

Its because it was readcheck and i wanted it dead





Would love to hear more from you guys

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You pushed the ozz lynch hard and got angry when any other possible scum was proposed

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I mean that one was pretty obv. The red check being fake suprised me though

I might have just missed it, but when did Hja claim Butler?

I pushed the ozz lynch hard because there was mechanical info that it was scum

i didnt realize it was a reactiontest until kai said so and rightly so went bonkers.

I dont want jgoes quicklynched without a defence

I was starting to be fearful that my greatest town read was going to legit be cult, but i stuck with the town read anyway because I trusted myself

We had three days to lynch ozz, but you were acting like we were gonna lose without him dead.