[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

A part of me still thinks that Kai switched his tactic because he believed how genuine I was over my paladin claim and didn’t want to get killed the next day. Not a big part of me thinks this, but a tiny part somewhere tucked away. I’ve never played with Kai before what’s his playstyle?

Which is why it feels too convenient to me.

It’s like either you and Kai planned to clear each other by doing this, or Kai and Alice planned to clear each other by doing this.

Except neither Kai nor Alice looked particularly scummy before so I’m not really sure.

If Kai was scum, and you are his scummate it would be a good gambit because it’s either a bus benefitting Kai, or Kai clears both you, the scumread teammate, and himself for performing a ‘successful’ reaction test.

Kai is scum still in my books. This could be a good tactic to get information by either cult or BD.

So you think Kai was suiciding to kill you, but then realized it wasn’t going to work so he pulled out early?

I think Jgoes is more scummy, but this scum Kai scenario is certainly being thought about somewhere in the back of my mind.

I’m honestly not buying the ‘every active player is town so all the inactives are scum’ because this is the position scum want town to be in.

well im active and obv not in towncore.

but I dont give a fuuuuck.

Ive been in worse and done worse.

ozz can check me if he so wishes

I’m about to sleep as it’s 6am hopefully you can hear my wonderful words soon

how about we lynch you, discuss?

night lads

Interesting approach after not existing all day? Going to bed now tho night anyone who’s still up

Hey, i know im sus but.

No u


“all day” didnt day only start a couple of hours ago from my knowable brain I’d under that if I literally didn’t post anything half of the day m8

You’ve mentioned this a couple times now. Why do you want me to check you? So your scum clan can disguise you?

no because im bluwu drango.

anyone can feel free to check me. any invest. obs? Princess? Pala? go right ahead.

dont think ritualist affects obs if you are talking about ritualist. Come AT ME invests.

either way i dont think i will be pushed on tommorow, so fuck it.

Understand not under e.e

Anyway I’ll leave it be for now but I get you want me to be more active and I appreciate that but I’m going to sleep as my brain is currently melting.

if this is what you mean, feel free to obsorve me if we have one. or, ya know, just invest me. because the likelyhood of me being corax cult with a rit is almost 0. we know that corax eraded n1 so i would have to be starter corax CL with starter Rit for that to happen. sorry bud. thats just not the case.

Im off to watch the office and ignore my responsibilities. Still gonna check back but less attentive.

Why couldn’t you be Mithras CL?

if he is talking about me being tailored, corax rit is the one who does it.

Doesn’t one of the Mithras Ritualist alts have a tailor? or am I totally wrong about that?