[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

He claimed he didn’t know to scum read in the NFoL either. He ended up flipping CL but I think he might just not know how to make them and seems worried to be wrong or something?

Right now yeah, I could remove the vote at this point if you wanted since they got the reactions

so what reactions did u get on the jgoes vote in your opinion

I just felt like it was a yolo vote best on a yolo redcheck

Haven’t even been in a game with Kai I think? might of if they were in the latest two games I was in

They were scorned last FOL

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I’ll leave it for now, but I do want Italy to make some more points on kai

@Ami you’re being voted go go go

Ozz was confused af and had no idea what was going on. I find it very unlikely he would be scum at this point.

Im not sure about Marshal if im gonna be honest. I feel like a cult would’t push THAT hard on someone. I feel like it would bring too much unwanted attention, if that makes any sense?

I want them to make more reads in general cause other than a greencheck and this, this is all I remember from them read wise

one step at a time.

So Marshal is scummier cause ur vote on jgoes? Im not excatly following, are these reactions you got from the jgoes vote or the ozz vote

If you think Alice, Kai, or SirDerps are scum team together, then I’m okay with that as long as they are pushing someone that I think is scum as well. We’ve got two teams of cult that dont know who each other are. There are going to be some crazy pushes this game and it’s going to be hard to rely on who is on who’s side. Or maybe the best. I dunno.

I’m not going to pressure yet until people have a chance first I want people to be more genuine first then more pressured reads on people ect.

I find this timing suspicious.
You dropped the check after a probably legitimate Paladin outed. It feels like you got what you were hoping to achieve at that point.
That’s why I want to hear a convincing argument from you - about the ‘potential scum’ your reaction test discovered. Otherwise I’m not going to look at that interaction favorably.
And if I don’t like the ‘potential scum,’ my vote most likely stays on you.

By the way thanks Derp for explaining. Knowing your sheeping was justified is a good thing.

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No Im asking your opinion on them, not my own. Just go through that list please and answer those questions to the best of your ability

Converts can happen

But with three deaths I don’t think one of the cult team converted

Do you think Cult is pushing Cult, or BD today?

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No I said I dont think a cult would push that hard on someone. I don’t think they would want that much attention like that on them. I got it from a bit of both but mostly from the jgoe and the mini one I did on Kai

And to follow up on that; if you say they are pushing BD, are both Cults doing it or just one?

I gotta mow the law soon, before it rains btw