[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I think it’s just that you don’t really know how to explain why you read them as such but I can see where you’re coming from but it doesn’t really mean I agree on said read

you read from left to right, pausing after each punctuation.

I don’t know, I feel your explaination could make sense but I’m falling into his Ate at the same time

Nghhh. Well, I’m going to continue trying.

The last person remaining is:


Does a BD replacement not care about how his slot is read if he is BD? This is weird to me.

…This is so bad.

This whole sequence is so terrible and TWTBAW that I’m inclined to read Wazza as BD off of it. That said, I’m not at all confident about reading Wazza BD.

The emotional tone makes me wonder if he’s pissed about replacing into a suspected Cult slot without having read the thread. In that case, he could be trying to fake an annoyed BD tone to get people off his back.


Wazza is Cult. That said, I’m more tentative on this than Jgo and Jake.

So in summary:

I think Jgo Jake Wazza are likely to flip Cult.
Derps Magnus Soulshade are more likely to flip BD.

That’s my opinion on the LHF/lurkers. I don’t think I skipped anyone.

The “cult is among inactives” narrative (which was partly pushed by me) is to me an attempt at scum to semi-start an opportunistic wagon seeing how I remember Kai & Derps mentionning it multiple time

:raised_hands: I’ve been saying this all day

@Solic really need to remove this system auto-edit thing.

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The way this game has been going, the narrative seems to make some sense.
Which is why I analyzed the lurkers/LHF in the first place. Now I have three scumreads among them so I totally see the reason for this narrative.

And my previous scumreads have also been fading.
I think I’m getting sold on pushes against relative inactives / LHF.

/vote Jgo

Vulgard what about Kai and Ozz, they are objectively better lynches today as they provide associations. A lynch on the newbies/inactives provides us nothing.

hmm… Not gonna lie…

If I had to geuss the scumteams right now.

Kai/ozz corax
Vulgard/soulshade/derps mithras with vulgaurd the n1 conv.

solic I get an award if this is right

I’m not a Discord Wizard, nor plan to be.

VCA tells me that Italy/Marshal sound like mislynches that aren’t the most obvious so it’d tie into scum not wanting to push Jgoes who is the easiest mislynch, Marshal is being voted by people who aren’t towncore while Kai yes, Ozz is more on the weird side, Soul vote is whatever from datbird

well it’s not correct

Homie. I actually think I know what you are getting at.



ye I claim cu- wait no

I read king as GK.

Not saying further. but i think we have GK

What the heckity heck is a GK

what do you think it stands for

Godlike King :sunglasses: