[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

GT is good

If Jgoes was a meanie he wouldnā€™t have done one special action because it would be really bad for his team!!

did kai claim

What cha talking about

Hunter beared n1

Thatā€™s a problem. I honestly donā€™t know what could be done to fix it.
More people have to die.


/Accuse JakeTheWolfie

Not if more people joined

Something that none of the 3 meanies picked up on and that would make you think Iā€™m GK but you are meanies so you donā€™t point it out!!

so now we are at l-4 for kai.

can we just get this over with?

Please do NOT unvote Kai thanks


Would you be open to CFDing onto Arete or do I have to leave this for tomorrow?

I am yet to have a good reason for jake being scum and another good one for not letting him use CS

Iā€™m not directly opposed but hes not the highest on my scum radar

I am literally N1 greenchecked, do you think I was converted N1 or that Italy is scum or that thereā€™s a rit?

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Kai lynch is big and Arete Iā€™m not so sure but tomorrow why not if u can make me believe u are right

honestly, iā€™d prefer if Ozz checked Arete/Italy tonight.

Jake CFD as I donā€™t want a redirected CS hitting BD

Because if thereā€™s an Invoker heā€™ll likely get redirected into a BD.

Iā€™ve kinda skimmed over Italy but his ISO is really bad. The Pally claim is the only reason weā€™re considering clearing him.

there are barriers/icewards and town redirectors

plus redirected CS can hit other cult