[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Showmances are dumb in survivor
go back to BB heathen

I never left

BB is a superior game to survivor, but survivor is better TV


i need to host bb again here fuck

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only concern is inactives as the cast has to be rather small due to most likely lack of interest

Ur Julie Chen, shes my favorite. Nah she sucks compared to Jeff Probst

jeff probst works so well as the host of survivor


the BB format is better, I agree

but survivor can and has turned out better.
Maybe its less stupid twists
Maybe its becaue itā€™s a shorter period
Maybe itā€™s because of the bikinis

But survivor is better


Great host.
Less great EP

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WhOs ReAdY fOr A tAkEoVeR

Oh Marshal,


imagine getting a roundtrip ticket handed to you and not being able to do like a 6 piece puzzle to get back in the house




thatā€™s so marshal!

sitcom laugh track plays


My Crappy Good Reads list

Dat Bird - Townie or Townie Scum, wants to push people creates discussion this can be two options A pro Town, well Town or a ā€œTownie Scumā€ a Hardcore Scum Member who generally wants to cause pushes ect. For their own benefit. Also I generally donā€™t know if they want tot go for inactives based off being scum that wants to push them or Town that wants general interaction, by the ā€œreads list thingā€ Iā€™ll lean to the latter for now.

Jake - Super LHF or Super Scum Very emotional based arguments and defensive, generally seems like LHF or Scum, I donā€™t think they are a valuable member at the very least but I rather we lynch scum (of course) then bd. This one Iā€™m very 50/50 on
Marshal - From what I know they seem to be more against kai then jake, Which is fine I just generally think if jake flips BD then some scum would be pushing the LHF (Jake). Of course this is fine for now but may become a real read later down the line.

Derp - Townie? ā€œI was scum reading italy earlier but no one took me seriouslyā€ I find that a interesting line I was also semi scum reading italy before (Iā€™ll get to that gents and gentalwames). Derp is also a hard pusher for Jake which is a decent note and is very active at least a valuable member So Iā€™m leaning towards town right now.

Hja - General Null read Just noting this down as they generally seem to push Kai (From my knowledge brain). Finding it hard to read them rn

Arete - Slight Town? Generally acting the same from previous games, I donā€™t think they are scummy honestly, also they want jake pushed, so they may become more scummy or less scummy depending on kai/Jakes flip (Unless someone else is flipped)

Magnus - Lurk Scum? They have slightly more posts then me but have seem to contributed nothing has anyone really said anything about this?

Wazza - Lurk Null, Generally Idk what the heck wazza has done all game Spent the first half being confused then posting nothing of value I donā€™t know if they are generally confused or scum.

The others - Sorry you guys are just so generic to me that I am reading you null right now nothing personal kid.

No kai or me read

but a wazza read?


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I forgot kai generally lol O_o

But you I donā€™t have any read on


Wazza was just a lurky read

Wazza is just here to meme