[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

i was promised the chance to purge knights from this realm


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Just gonna post this here so you all can meta-game me.

  • If Iā€™m King I will Grand Trial Arete D2.
  • If Iā€™m Knight I will CS Italy N1.

im joking of course

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In advance of this SFoL, I just want to remind everyone that wallposts = lockBD.

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I would also like to remind everyone that if Arete doesnā€™t wallpost D1, heā€™s lockscum.

@Kape u on? can u give my friend perms so she can talk?

i should play more FoLs, itā€™s really easy to lock yourself v there now

Arete always wallposts :upside_down_face:
We had to agree that ā€œeffortā€ is not lock-BD anymore

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guess who else always wallposts whenever they actually care about a game

Well we have a bunch of people now who are enjoying being evil more than BD, you can never be sure ^^

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Geyde will be my co-host. I donā€™t want more than one, but VC bots are always appreciated. I inned you Jake, as Iā€™d rather have more players/backups and you didnā€™t specify that you wanted to co-host also SFoLā€™s with me. I thought you were just interested in classic FoL. Iā€™ll still keep you in mind for that. Ici, I honestly love your flavor, but Geyde was first and his timezone works better. See it as a good excuse to join instead. :wink:


Do you wish to join?

For the record, I donā€™t inform my spectators, so you will have a private chat to discuss the happenings of the game, but you will not be privy to any sensitive information, as some other hosts might normally do.

I missed the cross cult complicated dynamics of the ā€œMithrasā€ Apostle within my flavor

Fixed. Thanks.

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Who are all these people

New players from I think Hypixel? or mainly ToL players. Better brush up on your non meta reading Luxy. :wink:

Newbies we fished out of the deep of the ocean.