[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Im calling into question the fact that you did jack untill you were pushed.

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As well as stopping me from doing anything else. You created a Kafka trap, where if I start doing something, I will look suspicious, but if I donā€™t do something, I look suspicious.

You could have avoided that by playing the game before you got voted up.

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This is what Jake does. He just AFKs the whole time until the last second. Even if heā€™s been a subject of conversation the whole game.

The fact that you do nothing all game, pretty sure you hadnā€™t even read like any of the thread, its sus to 180 and just start isoing as soon as you get pushed

So I must be active 24/7? Or else I am lock scum? This is why I want you dead first. If I somehow live, you will be my CS. You will die by my hands if the prince does not jail me. You have given me no way out, and instead look at my sudden activity as suspicious.

have more than 10 posts maybe, read the damn thread at the very least

Get rid of this person. Even if they arenā€™t scum they are useless and unproductive to BD.

Iā€™d CS Kai or Ozz, if I were a Knight, Derps doesnā€™t seem like a good CS target to me.

I would be productive, but the vert act of being productive indicates how scummy I am.

Yeah, CS a pally claimā€¦ Youā€™re smart.

I donā€™t think that would be a good reason, granted their cult, but if they were just unproductive bd better to just leave them

Didnā€™t you scumread Derps?

Emphasis on claim.

Iā€™m saying in addition if it didnā€™t come across that way. I think Jake is scum and needs to be lynched.

I still do. Heā€™s just not a very good CS target imo.

What makes him a bad target?

Why would you prefer Kai/Ozz to Derps?

jake sit down and look at me. Be productive BEFORE people scum read you. It might make the game way more fun

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz Magnus 1/10
Kai_5 Luxy, Jgoesgaming, Centuries :crown: 4/10
JgoesGaming Alice 1/10
JakeTheWolfie SirDerpsAlot, Kai_5, DatBird, Teleology, Italy, Ozzkozz, Marshal, Soulshade 8/10
SirDerpsAlot JakeTheWolfie 1/10
Italy H_Hja 1/10