[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Theres the channeled guy

Only one death tonight.

I believe the theory of Corax Cult Eradā€™ing N1 is making sense.


Err yeah. I Channeled PKR. Interesting that DatBird died last night considering I imagine most people would be SRing him after what happened D2

So rn Teleā€™s pretty much confirmed. Would like Ozz and Italyā€™s night results.


Hello to you all! Itā€™s a pleasure to be back and this feels mighty weird.

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Yeah, this kill really doesnā€™t make much sense, tbh.

Would expect a player in the towncore or a Paladin claim to be killed tonight.

fuck we have to deal with pkr

@Teleology any tea from the dead?

Welcome back!

Charmed, Iā€™m sure.

i need a new showmance help

ik im a real charmer

Jake: ā€œAlso tell SDA to yeet thyself into thine swordā€

Kyo confirms that he is legit Knight and was jailed N1. Not a disguised Cultist.

i assume he had some words for me?

Dead seem to have a lot of suspects.
I still personally suspect Ozz (And the fact that they didnā€™t die, does help to back this up imo)
As the Noble, I had targeted Vul N1 and they were redirected.

This means that:

  1. Thereā€™s an invoker/drunk
  2. They targeted Vul N1
  3. Vulā€™s NOT a redirect immune starting class.

Wait wuzzat mean

What does what mean, my liege?

list the suspects

That maybe changes stuff

Jake was mostly mad at Derp, but most dead think youā€™re scum still I think

ignore centuries, imo heā€™s an EK

as such /vote Centuries