[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

because cult cant bleed

Can you confirm Luxy

Bleeding someone isnā€™t proof you are Hunter.

I picked up on his softs. He should be fine.

Marshal is town

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You said something like it didnt you

if there was a princess check on my last night its impossible for me to be CL

Who did you bleed Kai?

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the softs between me and king arenā€™t based on my class at all.

your CL can bleed for you like pls

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I will say that my ā€˜mechanical confirmationā€™ on Luxy is not mech confirmation in the traditional sense. By that I mean itā€™s not a greencheck.

look at who makes excuses not the out the bleed

Itā€™s fine

well, who would be my CL then

Tbh, PKR claimed you were redirected, so it may not even be on Luxy anymore.

But PKR says you were redirected.

Redirection doesnā€™t invalidate my confirmation.
I wonā€™t say more.

In my opinion, you, yourself are the CL.

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another player

fucking give a name