[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Stop mentioning survivor
it is passively pocketing me

Ah that makes sense. Yeah we fucked up by not lynching Kai yesterday. I’ll take my responsibility for my actions and apologize for that

Does this N2 confirmation exist?


You did ask for it

You told us that you could prove you were BD D2 when we were upping you.

im just applying survivor to this to make it a bit more understandable where im coming from

via telepathy

Yes. Teleology can say (at least my n1) alignment.

Thoughts on a Napoleon/Alice/Arete as N1 convert Mithras cult team?

Can confirm Marshal as starting BD.

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:man_facepalming: i didnt even think of that my brain power is used up

I don’t know I read alice as town yesterday didn’t arete have to be town if italy was?

Just wanna say, its technically possible that tele could have been converted by Mithras n2?

Also, where tf is ozz


Italy said Arete was NS N1, but they still could have been converted

I could have been converted by Corax N2

Were you?

I meant n1 my bad

We think mithras was a n1 converter, and deaths match with a mithras erad n2, but it is fully possible.

it is also possible tele is a n1 convert of mithras.

tele could be a n2 corax, but that would cease their ability to speak with the dead.