[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

italy has done fucking jackshit other than claim in a towny way.

give me three reasons to TR them

ā€¦I mean, I might as well claim at this point even if I kind of think itā€™s a bad idea, at this point the damage is done.

Iā€™m a Drunk, N1 I Happy Houred Ozz because I was scumreading him hard at that point and I really didnā€™t want to risk getting converted into a Cult with him as CL and messing up my progression. If I seemed confident earlier that it wasnā€™t an Invoker who prevented him N1 thatā€™s why :upside_down_face: In a normal FoL match Iā€™dā€™ve been inclined to save them but I was less so given that needing to overcome death immunity is less of a thing in a game with no Mastermind and no NK.

N2 I tried to deb Kai into Derps, I obviously didnā€™t get any feedback for that but Iā€™m assuming that the deb failed given that Derps claims jailed. When I said I might have a mechanical lead what I meant was that the deb would have meant that Kai was HMing Derps to Tele, and I thought it was pretty likely that Derps would have targeted Tele last night.

I realize this doesnā€™t mean much, but if I were Invoker Iā€™dā€™ve just occā€™d/redirected Ozz again tonight to stop him from getting the check out, and also Tele can confirm that I generally donā€™t claim Butler/Drunk as Invoker.

  1. he claimed third Paladin during your ā€œreaction testā€ to ā€œCCā€ which is a BD thing that ToL players do.
  2. he had a N1 NS check on Arete and wouldnā€™t do that if they were on the same scum team.
  3. There is evidence that Italy wouldnā€™t claim something as basic as Paladin if they were scum because they were going to claim Alch or Merc as CL in NFoL4
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To be clear Iā€™m not asking her to townread me, Iā€™m specifically asking her about whether Iā€™d claim Butler/Drunk as Invoker.

you realize the third point is moot as neutrals arenā€™t a thing in this setup

Meh, Iā€™m just saying in general he isnā€™t inclined to claim normie claims like Paladin as CL

In ToL Paladin is pretty much actually the most Obvious Lazy CL claim that exists, not that that stops people.

So in other words, you were Butler who occupied Ozz, got converted N1, and then changed your claim because Mithras Invoker only has one use of occupy and itā€™s a day ability

I think you forgot about cult points here

pally is a low risk claim.
then again it is a low reward claim so eh

also iā€™m so used to there only be two of every class possible ugh

i need to sleep, but iā€™m not.

my health is the least of my concerns rn

Yeah I never really learned how cult points worked that well

Iā€™m pretty sure a converted Butler could take a Concentrated Wine alt (as Mithras Butler)? Iā€™m still confused about how Cult points work but I think thatā€™s a thing you can do. In any case, this is FoL, I couldā€™ve just claimed an occ on a non-invest claim if thatā€™s what I wanted to do.

But it makes sense thay you occupied Ozz N1. Because you and Vul were the two people who scum read Ozz D1

So you couldnā€™t claim a different class when you realized I knew this. You were trapped into Butler/Drunk

Also, you know what I claim as N1 Invoker most of the time and ā€˜literally the exact class I had previouslyā€™ isnā€™t it. Claiming Butler/Drunk as Invoker is dumb because it prevents you from actually getting what you need to get (e.g. occing Paladins/other important BD) done, hence the not doing it. I couldā€™ve had a risk-free not-Butler-or-Drunk claim by just, you know, occing the person who people were asking to check me.

Iā€™m going back to my Italy Iso now, it seems like a probably more productive line of thought than ā€˜Arete reacts to a probable reaction test, people analyze their reaction.ā€™

ā€¦He was saying an Invoker probably did it, thereā€™d have been nothing stopping me from just buying into that.

But it made the most sense that you were the one who did it

Nice anti meta btw

Hmm. So i got Mithras cult down im pretty sure. Just need to figure out corax. Here are my suspects:


  • a N2 convert

Kai is not on the same team as Derp and Jgo. Iā€™m pretty confident that Jgo is town, and Kai has just been following lynches that are way too weird for me to TR him for (like pushing Italy or Jgo) whereas Derp is pushing Italy, but it seems like a confused town vibe