[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Arete are you for or against a Kai lynch?

Maybe tentatively for, but Iā€™d need to take a closer look. I was aggressively wrong yesterday and Iā€™d like to not be wrong again.

/Vote Kai

Magnus fake quoting is against the rules

Surprised Pikachu face.

Arete has a red check on them

Quote it?

too much work I wanna go back to sleep, ozz redchecked arete

Here you go.

Italy Iso. There are posts before the ones I started with but they donā€™t have much content, itā€™s basically a mix of fluff and memeing.

This is the thing I and everyone else who townread Italy was townreading him for. I maintain that he wouldnā€™t have stepped in to CC two Paladin claims that he thought were legitimate, thatā€™s basically never a play you see from scum, but now that Iā€™m typing this out it occurs to me that Italy/Kai and Italy/Ozz are both possibilities if this was planned, though Iā€™m not sure that thatā€™s actually borne out as a possibility by the rest of the thread.

Here he instantly assumes that one of the other paladins is fake, which suggests to me that tinfoils where heā€™s on a scumteam with them are not the case.

This is a town-y check from my point of view because it basically locks him out of pushing me as a lynch D2, at a point when a lot of people were scumreading me and Iā€™d have been a relatively easy push.

This is the first real push we see Italy make on a specific person, itā€™s very obvious that Italyā€™s coming from ToL here because heā€™s kind of confused by Kaiā€™s reaction test but I actually wouldnā€™t expect to see this sort of confidence coming from newbscum.

Not a super useful question in-context.

I am sort of confused by the extent to which that post was a joke.

As far as I can tell this is the start of the Italy push on Jake.

Two more posts on the Kai reaction test thing. To be honest, I doubt scum!Italy ever has the confidence to tunnel Kai here the way heā€™s doing (sorry Italy). Itā€™s not that itā€™s a good push, but the way heā€™s pushing it screams newbtown to me.

donā€™t! call! out! your! checks! Like, I guess itā€™s at least sort of okay since he ended up apparently not checking Napoleon, but if either Cult has framing abilities, youā€™d risk getting two BD killed.

More of the Italy tunnel on Kai. The progression on Ozz is kind of weird, but the progression on Kai fits in with the rest of Italyā€™s Iso.

I sort of feel like I canā€™t comment on this because I was the one who occā€™d him, I basically believe he believed an Invoker occā€™d him I just donā€™t think that thatā€™s a conclusion he should have drawn.

Scumreads Jake for the 80 percent post, heā€™s kind of bouncing back and forth between Jake and Kai yesterday. I maintain it was a bad reason to scumread Jake, but it doesnā€™t feel like a newbscum way to scumread Jake.

This post is basically the scummiest thing in his Iso, it looks like a wolf asking ā€˜which mislynch can I jump on without people scumreading me for it.ā€™ Itā€™s not enough on its own to make me scumread him, though.

This is super obvious but Iā€™d say being this obvious is basically NAI.

Hereā€™s where he pretty much fully switches to pushing the Jake wagon over the Kai wagon, this is ill-explained and one of the worst spots in his Iso in my opinion because the progression is terrible (going from Kai as a basically top scumread to switching the wagon) but Iā€™m not really seeing the earlier scumread on Kai as wolf theater from Italy.

I donā€™t think cult!Italy claims a random N2 smite here, I think heā€™d probably pick a random non-basement buddy and call them NS.

knows how FoL Paladin works, clearly locktown

I mean, I know heā€™s not evil trying to confirm a cultbuddy as BD but somehow I donā€™t expect that logic to be convincing to any of the rest of you. Either way, I think heā€™s telling the truth about whether or not heā€™d do it.

Itā€™s sort of weird how he zones in on me as Corax CL rather than Mithras, this post feels vaguely scummy to me as I donā€™t think most people would jump so quickly to the thought of a random N1 tailor, even if the logic follows.

tl;dr/summary Overall, Italy is pretty clearly newbtown rather than newbscum, there are weird spots in his Iso but I donā€™t think theyā€™re the sort of weird spots youā€™d find in the Iso of a scumteam member. Even if his pushes are kind of erratic in some ways they seem very much like confused newbie erratic pushes rather than newbscum erratic pushes.

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Corollary to the Italy Iso: I think itā€™s substantially more likely that Alice is scum than I was predicting earlier. I think sheā€™s a strong enough player to be able to distinguish Italy from a newbscum and the fact that she didnā€™t suggests some amount of opportunism, just, subtle opportunism rather than overt opportunism.

/vote Alice until further notice, even though Iā€™d still like an answer from Vulgard.

@Ozzkozz, at-mentioning you since you specifically were the one who asked for it.


Iā€™m going to sleep, Iā€™ll be back on in the morning.

Accused Voters Votes
Kai_5 Jgoesgaming, Vulgard, Luxy, WazzaAzza 4/9
SirDerpsAlot Alice, Kai_5 2/9
Arete Ozzkozz, SirDerpsAlot, Marshal, Teleology 4/9
Vulgard Arete 1/9

Fake quoting is against the rules. Refrain from doing so.

Okay, Iā€™ve caught up.
Yeah I was linked with Luxy N1. I didnā€™t want to out until Luxy decided it was time to out because I read Luxy as lock BD D1 and in our night chat. Luxyā€™s also been following our established plan since N1.

Me being shaded for it by Arete is suspicious as heck and the same thing applies to Tele. Tele accuses Napoleon and Alice which is perfectly in line with our chat in link and gets ganged up on by them both. I really hate this.

I still wanna lynch Kai. However, I genuinely believe Tele is still BD trying to solve the game, but she gets shaded and ridiculed for it by scum because sheā€™s getting close.

If youā€™re BD, this is not the right direction to go.

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This is a good wagon and I like it.


Ozz (tentative)
possibly Wazza?


(possibly Ozz/Wazza since Iā€™m the most tentative on the two. I can buy cult Ozz pushing cult Arete)

Pisses me off that people in my PoE are shading my BD reads.

Iā€™m tempted to just go off and swear at them but Iā€™ll restrain myself because itā€™s not like me to do that.

Also STOP WITH THE DAMN SELF-META REGARDLESS OF ALIGNMENT. It pisses me off. People can change playstyles or lie about their styles. Nobody can 100% verify whether youā€™re telling the truth, so stop using it as an argument for or against lynches.

Vote still parked on Kai but Iā€™m voting inside my PoE today.


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This is super tentative and interchangeable with Wazza in the POE.