[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

You’re not in my PoE so you’re as good as towncore in my eyes.
Are you satisfied?

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I’ll reevaluate you later when we’ve lynched more people.
LyLo/MyLo is going to be weird.

Vulgard, you wanna lynch Kai over the redcheck?

I am willing to lynch Arete too

I think Aretes specific flip gives us a lot of info

Yes Kai or Arete both provide information I just have a vendetta against Kai because of yesterday

luxy you get good reception in that tunnel?

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Yeah, but I would prefer to get the lynch on the redcheck :stuck_out_tongue:

You got an innocent townie hung

And you’re acting just like your scum AI

just hurry up and die please

trust me, i wish i could.

Maybe he’ll kill him self when HHed tonight

also once i flip town you’ll be no better than me so xoxo

But you won’t so I will be :man_shrugging:

whatever you say dear :roll_eyes:

So Luxy if Arete flips corax, how would your reads change?

/vote Arete

since there’s a red check

I wanna lynch Kai for many, many reasons I’ve already stated. I’m getting tired of reiterating it.

  • His flip gives us a lot of information.
  • His flip resolves yesterday’s wagons.
  • He is in my PoE.
  • He has been acting very scummy in my opinion. Fished out a Paladin claim and backed off afterward saying he ‘got what he wanted.’ Opportunistic voting and pushing on a mislynch. Sheeping my fake CFD onto Arete sealed the deal for me.

Literally just swap the cults around


i have this game figured out.

hopefully there’s a fucking TK

I think we kill Arete, their sepecific flip can gives us a lot of info, if he HH Kai we could stop an eradicate entirely tonight