[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

What is your opinion about my PoE?

Pretend Derp and Italy have switched positions on it.


Weā€™re getting close to quick lynch territory and I think there are still some people that havenā€™t seen all of this yet.

Ozz itā€™s time to out your real check.

Assuming Cult doesnā€™t target each other we might be in MyLo.

And then we win after they kill each other at night

Seemedā€¦ Alright.
My gut is still screaming Ozz though, really is.

Good morning fol

Why would he claim redcheck then tho

Team GOAT consisting of my town core will solve this game today.
Unfortunately we are probably going to have to lynch a convert among us later down the line, but Iā€™m still going all in.

Also, just want to point out that there is potential for an arete/kai scumteam(especially with short fuse IV)

Kai acted sorta non-caring about his death when at potential hammer. And he succeed in not dying. If arete just saw that work, it would make sense to make a similar play in short fuse IV. Just a fun tidbit

With the amount of cult in this game, right now they can afford one of their members being lynched.
That and it actually opens up more room for conversions, doesnā€™t it?

They should be getting their 4 member tonight assuming theyā€™re Mithras and they really need it due to lack of killpower compared to other cult

About corax they attacked N1 means theyā€™re 1 night behind in converts

Prince not having exes makes things really inconvenient now but we can do this.
We have two BD who canā€™t be converted. Thatā€™s three votes and Cult has to start attacking each other soon or if we start losing.
We can do this.
Letā€™s go, team.

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Not to mention a GK.

Things can go well.

what 3 bd cant be converted?

2 BD with 3 votes canā€™t be converted.
King has 2 votes.
And Prince is alive.
That makes 2 BD with 3 votes.

Can you make someone other than prince completely unconvertable?
