[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

If we have any random unclaimed archers or whatever running around, they should target Insanity tonight (DON’T ANNOUNCE IT IF SO).

…actually, it occurs to me, we could have one of the Hunters mark them to Jgoes. Since the plan is for Soul to deb Insanity into Jgoes, I think an Insanity to Jgoes mark would go off? Does that sound right given FoL mechanics?

Hi I just wanna say that I think Vul I’d bleed immune

Or he just decided to not say he was bled

Hey I just skipped ahead a few hundred posts, but I think I got the important bits.

I did not check Derps last night, so that should be a true and unique check.

I have two green checks now, so I could out two actual BD if you want me to right now.

Did I miss anything?

Okay… that’s interesting, I’m inclined to believe you for literally no reason. -.-

We bled him D2

I’d get a second opinion here, but I would out the greenchecks if and only if they’re on people currently in our PoE – like, if you have a greencheck on Luxy for some reason, don’t out it, but if you have a greencheck on Insanity I would.

@Vulgard why are you bleed immune

Accused Voters Votes
Insanity Arete, WazzaAzza, SirDerpsAlot 3/8
SirDerpsAlot H_Hja, Soulshade, Vulgard, Kai_5, Teleology 5/8
I need to head to bed, cya.

Insanity is in your VC twice.

Also, let’s not quickhammer, we have a full day to discuss.

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Also gtg football

I want to vote Derps.

But I don’t want to quickhammer yet.

Quick hammer Insanity, cowards

No, you want us to vote you so then you vote yourself.

No I want you to vote insanity

okay brb you’re stupid and cool but brb

You can’t vote yourself, that wouldn’t work anyway. (We still shouldn’t hammer Derps, but.)

out then as it can help PoE

Would now be the time for mass claims?