[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

3,000 hours on ToL is like an average of 4 hours a day if they played since release. I’ve been playing since a month after release and I thought I was sitting on a high horse with over 700 hours. I feel like a newb compared to 3,000.

Why do you keep pushing me to out them even after several players have said it’s not a good idea unless X happens?

we can literally redirect the CLs into each other :man_facepalming:

You know that you and I have not been completely cleared as non-cult, right? The fact that you are pushing this seems super scummy to me. Especially after all the crap you’ve pulled this game.

I’m gonna assume that means you didn’t check Kai.

i’ll keep pushing for them until i get killed or lynched. Will you say if they are in vul’s PoE

I got it december 2017 mind you I’ve took 5months off from Tol due to desktop/laptop issues.

Who claims Drunk as Invoker Morgz’s mum?

arete claims drunk

I doubt in Arete being starting Invoker

same. which is why i said our drunks can redirect the CLs into each other

aww they can kiss each other and remake the cult into a new group that beileves in both mithras and Corax

Who do you want me to redirect fyi?

Thinking you redirect insanity into Jgog and Jgog into Insanity as they are our Cls

well arete does jgog into insanity

ok if others agree on it I am fine with that

I already answered this.


Scroll up 100 posts or so. ISO me. I still think you are scum, so I’m not going to help you.

…you realize this is extremly anti-town?