[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


Specific instructions are how evils are able to work around plans. Being vague is a good thing

I was given Specific instructionsā€¦

Hot take: Soul is Corax Invoker and heā€™s trying to get his CL out of having to HM Insanity to me.

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hottake: I donā€™t want hunter to get killed because your whole plan gambles on them both being CL

Your baiting hunter to do somethkng that is useless.

hell I donā€™t mind happy houring or still debbing them But I donā€™t want hunter to out what they are doing

Accused Voters Votes
Insanity SirDerpsAlot 1/8
SirDerpsAlot H_Hja, Soulshade, Kai_5, Teleology, Vulgard, WazzaAzza 6/8

good post I like it

Hello Iā€™m here.

Magnusā€™ voting right now is a big ???
Iā€™m not sure if anyone else feels that way but I do.

Yeah, I kinda get what you mean there.
Tbh my biggest question here is just about Derps not being hammered for this whole time.

Itā€™s making me question so many motivations.

Iā€™ve made my day action so we can hammer whenever now

/vote Derps lol

Figured that was why you wanted to wait.

You think so? Who exactly?

Itā€™s just havenā€™t people called for hammer for a while now, or have I literally just made that up out of nowhere? If people have, then why wasnā€™t Derps hammered at all?

Accused Voters Votes
Insanity SirDerpsAlot 1/8
SirDerpsAlot H_Hja, Soulshade, Kai_5, Teleology, Vulgard, WazzaAzza, Vulgard 7/8

Because some people wanted the day to last longer so we could get a nightplan going.
It was mostly Arete who was against hammer because he wanted that nightplan, which is admittedly pretty good aside from one thing - it relies on Soul and Areteā€™s redirections being done correctly. Which is a little risky.
In fact itā€™s interesting how Arete spins the tale of Soul being suspicious and potentially a Cult redirector, when we know for a fact that:

  • Soul didnā€™t redirect claimed investigatives
  • Arete is also a claimed redirector and at least equally suspicious by virtue of being in the PoE.

Iā€™m looking at it with narrowed eyes right now because it pings me the wrong way. Arete could just as easily screw something up and by putting suspicion on Soul, our attention might be distracted from Arete.

Itā€™s funny how we wonā€™t be able to disprove Arete because Jgoes will probably die to bleed. I would just like to point that out. Not that itā€™s a nightplan I donā€™t understand or consider bad, justā€¦ itā€™s fairly convenient for Arete.

Not sure if others share these suspicions, but despite the fact Areteā€™s posting today has been pretty good, thereā€™s something sketchy about all this.


It doesnā€™t prove anything as CL wonā€™t target anyway.

realistically I will Deb Insanity I just dislike the whole mark thing because it leaves hunter vunreable and wastes a mark like Iā€™ve said plenty of times