[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Italy is sick, pls don’t bug me thanks

I hope you get better soon.

Hopefully it’s not a Corax Infection :upside_down_face:

Seriously though… I hope you feel better soon.

The above is the extent of Soul’s commentary on Kai on D2. He initially calls him a nullread but notes that that will change based on Jake’s flip; other than that he doesn’t really mention him much.

The above is the extent of Soul’s commentary on Kai on days post-D2. So, the thing I find interesting about this is that he was saying that Jake’s flip would influence his read on Kai, but after Jake flips BD and N2 happens (this being Corax’s conversion night), he totally drops that thread, apart from voting and immediately unvoting him. This seems to support the conclusion that Kai is starting Cult and Soul is converted.

The problem here is that I’m worried that at this point any theory I have I’ll see evidence for, if I’m looking for it. I’m also still a little skeptical that Wazza would convert Soul, when Soul had largely been inactive in the thread, though in SFoL 51, where he was Cult, the idea of converting inactives because people won’t suspect them of being converted did come up?

I don’t know, it still seems weird to me that Wazza wouldn’t have even been on the counterwagon against his scumbuddy but Kai’s Iso is terrible and his voting is weird, and at this point there aren’t that many possibilities.

People who mechanically can’t or basically can’t be starting Corax cult, i.e. can’t currently be CL (assuming the Wazza theory is correct)

  • Tele (channeled PKR)
  • Luxy (4 confirmed Mystic links)
  • Centuries (is the King)
  • Me (N1 greencheck from Italy; Italy and I can’t have been same-scumteam at that point given Wazza)
  • Vul (N2 greencheck from Ozz)
  • Hja (N3 greencheck from Ozz)
  • Magnus (N4 greencheck from Ozz)
    Note that technically if Ozz was N2 convert than the Vul/Hja results don’t hold, and if N4 then the Magnus one doesn’t.

People who could be, but it’s ridiculously unlikely:

  • Jgoes (I don’t think Derps would do a weird fake Court Spy thing and promptly have a member of the other cult jump on it, that just doesn’t make sense)
  • Italy (gossipped check on Derps, could technically have been a Seeker check)

Everyone else (the current Corax CL is one of these three):

  • Soul
  • Kai
  • Ozz

Also, I’m going to go ahead and call Hja as the N4 Corax convert right now. She was in her weird Hja meta until today, when she literally hasn’t posted. She’d also be a good choice for convert because (a) she was greenchecked and (b) Corax Rit is incredibly strong, converting a rit basically gives them two free kills tonight.

I agree with this 100%, but I don’t think you can mechanically clear Vul, Hja, and Magnus based on someone’s greenchecks. Generally, I don’t think you should consider my greenchecks as mechanical clears when I’m on the potential scum list.

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And my deb was gossiped.

But lets forget the details yeah how about that gang?

That doesn’t confirm you as not CL because the current working theory is that Wazza was CL.

Yes but what if your theory is incorrect?

The Theory on Waz makes sense but your acting like it’s hard proof

Do you have an alternate explanation for how Wazza spontaneously dropped dead in the night while Vulgard was supposedly healing him?

Vulguard being cult?

Why would Vulguard heal waz in the first place anyway

That explains half the theory (the half where the heal didn’t work) but it doesn’t explain the other half, i.e. how he died in the first place.

This is stupid as the fact you say Ozz could be CL but your reasoning for no one else being Cl is that Ozz checked them Mag, Hja, Vul and you Arete aren’t confirmed until Ozz is

Yep, I’m aware that (still under the Wazza theory) it is in fact theoretically possible for those results to be false.

I basically don’t think Ozz is ever the N2 convert here, nor the N4 convert, but I guess it’s theoretically possible. If he’s starting Cult then under the Wazza theory none of his greenchecks can be.

(Obviously that doesn’t prevent them from being non-starting cult, but this is a PoE for starting cult.)

I just noticed there’s no timer for the topic automatically closing in x amount of time.
The previous days had timers at the bottom, right?