[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

If you don’t have a good reason to not share information, then why would you not share it?

Because if I say Why then those reasons wont be relevant

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Oh, so Ozz doesn’t see it… or is pretending.

I have something spicy for y’all now.

Kai and Ozz are both scum. Kai starting scum, Ozz N2 convert.

/vote Ozz

But Vulgard! Why? You’ve even said this before and then you dropped the subject.

That would be true. However, think about it in hindsight.
After Kai’s reaction check on Ozz and claimed redcheck, Kai retracted it. We’ve talked about it for a long time… but something doesn’t quite fit.
Why did it never occur to Ozz to check Kai?

  • Kai reaction tested Ozz, retracted the check, then became the top 2 wagon on D2. If Ozz is BD, it is in his best interest to check Kai as quickly as possible.
  • Kai has been considered suspicious throughout the game, yet Ozz kept checking other people.
  • Kai and Ozz have not interacted nearly as much after D2. They have, but not to such an extent.

Before, we thought that this could have been distancing between Kai and Ozz, but we dropped the possibility. However, consider this.

What if what Kai did back then was setup? First claim a redcheck on Ozz, then test his reaction. Eventually he calls Ozz BD, says he got the information he wanted, and converts Ozz at the end of the night, knowing he would probably be checked by Ozz at night because of Ozz’s claim. Which means Ozz would be very unlikely to use Smite and as a result, converting him was almost certain. And this is very important because Corax used Eradicate on N1, meaning they had to get a guaranteed convert N2 - especially with how scummy and close to getting lynched Kai ended up being. Ozz would be a great target.

I’ve just asked Ozz what was really weird about his checks. How does it not occur for BD!Ozz to check Kai for 3 nights? I refuse to believe it. I refuse that a BD who has been following the thread and is the Paladin, and whose checks generally went through somehow… that a BD like that would not have checked Kai by now. BD would have definitely had the thought to check Kai.

I know that Italy did not check Kai, and we could suspect Italy with equal ease. It’s possible he’s the N4 convert. But Ozz had many more reasons to check Kai. Kai suspected him, Kai claimed a fake redcheck on him, Kai exploited his initial scumminess. Why would Ozz not check Kai?

Only if he got converted N2 and forced not to out a fellow Cult member.

Also, re-read Ozz’s ISO. Look how much he contributed D2. He was actively trying to solve the game. He was pointing out people who were seemingly working in pairs, tried to make the best out of his Paladin claim, fought against the redcheck, and many more things. He even posted a readlist.

Where did that go?

Then why did Ozz not check Kai?

And he checked neither?

And he did not check Kai.

He. Did not. Check Kai.

I’m really sold on this. Kai and Ozz Corax scumteam always + N4 convert.

We’re lynching there today. Screw Soul. Screw Arete.

/vote Ozzkozz /vote Ozzkozz /vote Ozzkozz

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/Unvote :eyes:

people are staying at 4 until 6 hours left.

But I do agree with Vul as much as the unvote may seem like I’m not agreeing with you

That’s what felt off to me and now I’m genuinely convinced it proves Kai converted him.

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I mean Kai’s team.

I’m willing to die on this rock.

Don’t worry, you will.

Ozz if your bd you need to defend yourself we can’t afford another mislynch imo

I didn’t check Kai because I thought it was too obvious. There were 4 other cult and I didn’t want to focus on one that likely would have been framed for me to find. You of all people were the one that told me NOT to check the obvious targets or targets that I said I was going to check in thread. Go find my comments about checking Kai. I said those things to confuse cult.

I want to know why you flipped from saying that I was clearly BD earlier this day to now that I am 100% cult.

Soul is 100% cult and you are letting him slip by.

That theory doesn’t explain how Italy was unable to check Ozz though, unless you think he’s the N4 convert.

I think Soul had something to do with Italy not being able to do anything last night.

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I wanted to lull you into a false sense of security. If you were BD you would use that townread to try and accomplish something without fearing scum will try to mislynch you or deflect onto you. You would interact with me, etc. As scum you have the perfect excuse not to do much.

You did the latter.

Here’s the list of possibility’s

Soul(me): Occupied Italy.
Arete: Occupied Italy.
A starting Corax invoker occupied Italy.
Italy was converted n4 or is cult who outed Mithras cult

Accused Voters Votes
Soulshade Ozzkozz, Jgoesgaming 2/7
Ozzkozz Kai_5, Luxy, Magnus, Vulgard 4/7
H_Hja Arete 1/7
Arete H_Hja 1/7

It’s explainable either by Italy being the N4 convert, or by Hja being the N4 and lying to frame Italy/Soul.

It’s still weird, but. I don’t know, Vulgard’s argument is definitely persuasive, I just don’t know if the thing it’s persuading me of is correct.


Soul is suggesting himself or Arete were the ones that occupied Italy. Italy is a CONFIRMED paladin. Soul is implying that either himself or Arete are cult.

And you just Dodge question

what the fuck?