[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Yeah I don’t think we can trust Ozz’s check after today necessarily, but Arete can tell if Soul is still redirect immune yeah?

I’m pretty confident he wasn’t converted N2 so

Ok I’ve submitted my action

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Murder Kai murder Kai murder Kai


4 hours until EoD y’all are not gonna be around to hammer him otherwise

Let me see…
Oh definitely, that sounds like a good plan to me since this is the scumteam we believe in.
And if Ozz is BD he might get a helpful check

I don’t think there are occ immunity notifications if you check an occ immune target but I might be wrong.

I like Arete’s plan better in the case that Soul is CL. Soul doesn’t seem to be on the same team as Ozz. I also think Italy was more likely a convert than Hja, but I will confer with Dat tonight or someone that knows her scum meta better than me

I think Italy’s excuse being fairly easy to verify and not very good is BD indicative actually. I’m not going to clear him because I don’t think he deserves to be 100% townread but still. There’s that thing going for him.

I have a feeling my recent reads have been based more on good/bad play than anything else and I’m not sure if I like it.

Then you think there is someone that could actually occupy him. Implying that you believe Soul is invoker > CL or that there’s a ritualist before N4

He did it before with the random Smite N2. If anything he’s being consistent which doesn’t seem to indicate he is starting scum. I’m pretty sure we can eliminate the possibility Italy is starting scum based on that.

At worst he was converted N2. Being converted N4 seems weird because he’s still using consistent bad excuses, but maybe he’s just self-aware.

Wait what kind of logic am I even following here.

Only Arete/Soul unless there’s a fakeclaim, and neither claimed to target him so why. Also aren’t they out of HHs anyway?

Smiting N2 is different than being occupied N2. Being occupied is out of his control – either it came from an outside source, or he’s lying as the N4 convert that checked Ozz

Soul has 1 HH left

Maybe he didn’t think he could bullshit an occupation N2, but could do it N4.


Kinda weird because both Arete and Soul denied being Italy’s occupier. So, like. If Italy is scum and Arete/Soul are both BD then he’s blatantly lying. If one of Arete/Soul is BD then they’re bussing Italy or it’s some case of distancing.

If the occupation is legit then most likely there’s a fakeclaim around, I can’t imagine a different possibility.

Hell it could even be Ozz if he’s scum. If he’s starting scum he could’ve been Invoker and then CL as of D5.

Being occupied N4 sorry

Yeah, invoker doesn’t necessarily claim drunk or butler, especially in FoL.

Basically if Italy is scum his play seems really bad and if he’s BD then there’s a fakeclaim or one of Arete/Soul is scum.
I’m more inclined to think there’s a fakeclaim considering the current world we’re in and Ozz being the fakeclaim is possible.

If Arete/Soul is scum I don’t think I would HH Italy because that’s suspicious as heck. If anything I would redirect to a scummy player and use that as an excuse.

But both Arete and Soul denying the occ… yeah that seems to suggest a fakeclaim.