[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

0 scumreads among those three, might need to reevaluate D2 because converts will be a factor.
I’m looking at Marshal’s readlist and something pings me about it, I’m not sure what though.

Didn’t like the first one as well.

Not really seeing the point of a randed readlist aside from scum WIFOM and whatnot.

Its only day 1

It’s probably the fact it came so early and basically unprompted.
Oh I completely ignored the first one because it felt like a pointless post.


I’m still dead that someone actually made this

Eh, I think he’s BD from tone.

He has only 1 post tho

Wait How did I miss all of your posts

I was gonna say wtf are you on about lmao

Since multiple people have been calling me scum (KyoDaz, Ozzkozz and Alice), and others seem to have no idea why, I had the (probably horrible) idea of scumreading myself, so here goes:

My posts:

This is just me memeing, but I guess it could be interpreted as me being Cult and warning my teammate that I’m gonna need help?

This means I’m Butler nor Drunk, two strong BD classes.

It also means I’m not Invoker.

I think this is NAI.

Almost immediately after this post, KyoDaz says:

I thought it was a meme response at first, but later posts revealed he was serious, so I guess he thinks me saying Ozzkozz’ constant memeing was getting annoying is scummy?

He doesn’t seem to think PKR is scum, so it could’ve been a coincidence.

The posts I’ve liked:

I suppose scum could like this to appear more BD?

I liked this because I had no idea why he thinks I’m scum and I’d really like an explanation, so I can at least defend myself.

I liked this because I agree that that post was less serious than his usual posts.

And I liked these for being helpful.

All I can say is I’m not Cult, though I can’t prove that yet.

Just looked through the whole thing, what’s funny is that my internet died in the middle, I’m gonna have breakfast and then actually post actual stuff

I re-read some of PKR’s stuff and I mostly read him BD because I’m mindmelding with him. I see how he could be:

  • trying to pocket Jake
  • testing reactions and baiting knowing it will fail, or deliberately attempting to catch members of the other Cult with those schemes
  • better at entrances and acting like BD early on than what I’ve seen from him before

But honestly, that’s a lot of factors and variables. I think PKR stays BD in my eyes for now. Might need to evaluate post-convert night.

What do you think is the specific post from you that people are scumreading you for?

I’m not sure, but I think it’s these two:

It could also be because of how little I post, though.

spidey senses tingling


Can you re-read PKR’s posts and give me your opinion?

What’s up

On me being King

I don’t really know how you guys usually play around king but I was going to play the same way regardless of me being King anyway (as BD).

Also, I think it’s smarter to SR me because I’m the person that has the highest chance of not being BD

Relevant stuff

I like Kyo but I need to interact with Kyo to actually read him also I like his read on Jgoes

Same goes for DatBird (minus the reads part)

Kai has been posting mostly dumb stuff but he has charisma so I guess slight town but it’s 100% made of gut so it’s not backed by much, also there’s some self meta later on and me no likey

I don’t like Sulit because of lack of game-related post (it’s a meta read) generally Sulit posts actual stuff + some NAI jokeposting but there it’s just fluff also Sulit said something about ignoring me so eh, also Sulit made a post about people using Meta and it seemed like it had a negative vibe behind it

PKR - OZ is really heated for some reason but I don’t really feel like one or the other stick out as either BD or not-BD in there

Teology, uh I don’t remember much but the ISO on Sulit, I’m iffy about it because it ignores the post that I thought would amount to the most reaction because it’s meta from a player that relies heavily on meta (RRM + Other forums) but then Teology couldn’t know so it’s okay I feel, just feels weird it’s an ISO that mentions every post minus this one

Vulgard / Luxy / Napoleon / Magnus / Derps exist but I don’t know so far / I need to see more and to be more involved

Also note that I suck at reading people without actually having an interaction with said person

Finally: LGBT rights

Will be back later on I’m kinda tired


Good King

It possibly is, but I personally don’t believe so. I doubt scum would’ve outright said it here like that since it would be too obvious. The way it was explained was quite likely town mentality as against any given cult member (Even as a cult king) due to there being such a high chance of the king not being on their side from initial roll (60% town + 20% other scum) then they’d go along with it anyway.

The king this game essentially has to help BD and hope that somehow his own cult finds him (If he’s cult king). If he’s not then we don’t have to worry about all this gossip.