[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

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Ozzkozz SoulShade55r 1/5

H_Hja, when Ozz flips CL, who do you think would be the last Corax Cult? (Apart from Luxy, since he can confirm himself tonight by linking Soul, and if he doesnā€™t, Soul can HH him.)

I got debbed last night and my target (whoever it was) was BD.

Soul is a liar.

/Vote Soul

So youā€™re saying Arete also debauched you?

Or that Soul lied about who he debauched you to?

I guess. I got two results last night:

ā€œYour target was changedā€


ā€œYour target is not suspiciousā€


Soul didnā€™t Deb me be a use he is CL.

@Arete did you deb this


Well, weā€™ll know once Arete comes online.

No your just trying to take me down with you because thatā€™s the only thing you can do

What happens if we both deb ozz does anyone know would he get two results?

I donā€™t want anyone to kill me, but youā€™re dead regardless. If Iā€™m actually bountied, people will see that you are the liar and will exe you after me. Itā€™s a win win for BD Regardless. You should have picked a different fake BD Deb last night be a use this is the day cult ends. You screwed up, Soul.

I really hope the bounty was put on ozz if itā€™s on me lynch me then go for ozz

If two or more Drunks debauch the same player, the debauches would cancel out, I think.

I am waiting for arete to claim deb on jgoes to italy

Yeah because Iā€™d fake a deb on you someone who would be given a bounty

9000Iq plays

If this is the case, which itā€™s not because you are CL, it should go by either what number you are in the player list or by who wrote to Solic first about their ability Iā€™m guessingā€¦