[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Because I’m afraid I wasn’t bountied. If I get lynched and I’m not bountied you’ll likely have 3 cult heading into 7 or 8 player game D6.

If your not bountied arete can deb me into Jgoes

I’m leaving for real now. I’ll be back this afternoon.

What was the info Why marshal thought We have GK

You literally disprove me if you are lynched, you also prove Jgoes or disprove them.

Oh hi Arete.


So last night I debbed Ozz into Hja (I thought she was intentionally bluffing the Blood Ward in order to save it for tomorrow and prevent us from preventing a conversion). I’d chosen Ozz over Soul because I thought we’d agreed that if Kai flipped BD I’d be debbing Ozz while Soul did not do that.

I’m honestly confused about what happened last night. If Soul and I were both on Ozz, the redirects should have cancelled out, that was one of the first things I checked when I got this class. But then … how did Italy die?? I honestly think at this point the ‘Cult killed Italy to fake a redirect’ theory has some merit? Let me go skim the Corax class cards for a bit, there’s something I want to check.

Also, I’m inclined to believe that Ozz really is bountied, so he should be the lynch if you all don’t trust me, but this really makes it look like Soul is the liar here.

@Luxy who did you link last night?

@Teleology what was Sulit’s answer to the question I asked you to ask them?

So You honestly think I killed Italy just so we could lynch ozz?

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz SoulShade55r 1/5

K this is Cancer bye

Why would you ask me to deb Ozz into Italy.

Pretty much

Well, this means either Soul or you is lying, though it’s more likely to be you,

It’s fine if you lynch me we still may have a chance I just don’t want to risk it because I have no bounty

I am incredibly confused about why you thought this was a good idea (especially when you could’ve, like, killed a sus BD and still claimed the deb!!) but I don’t have another explanation for why Italy died.

Also redirecting invest claim into their last greencheck

Sounds Legit What BD would do

Yes like what benefit does it have to cult?

That was for IF KAI FLIPPED SCUM. The nightplan for if he flipped BD was for me to be the one on Ozz.