[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

That just means Vulgard didn’t update their logs. It’s impossible Teleology and Luxy are a scumteam.

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I mean he updated already after link since he has night action and link starts at start of the night

You can write what you’re going to do at night during the day.

It’s not that I don’t see where you were coming from but it’s literally impossible for Tele and Luxy to be a scumteam here.

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he stil had to sent night action

Prob just failed to mention it

Was anyone else forcibly logged out just now?

Out of character for someone like vul but still It’s impossible for Tele and luxy to fake a lynch

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*Link, but yes.

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*Fake a link

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz SoulShade55r, Jgoesgaming, Teleology 3/5
Arete H_Hja 1/5
SoulShade55r Ozzkozz, Arete 2/5

what if mithras is still alive

That’s also impossible.

The only way that’s even possible is if Centuries is MDK, I checked with Solic and if someone gets modkilled at night their night action doesn’t proc.

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oh yea insanity was jailed N3

It’s forbidden to discuss Mod kills, but based on the info of the game Insanity was jailed N3 and Alice was lynched D3 and Derps was lynched D4 and Insanity died early into N4…

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I just feel like there has to be something I’m missing, some reason why the bounty isn’t going to work, this is a blatantly stupid plan for Soul to be attempting to do and yet apparently it’s the plan he’s doing?? I’m pretty confident in Jgoes at this point, but I guess that could be misplaced…

Arete, if Ozz flips cult, who is the other cult member?

Obviously Arete

Well yeah, but assuming they’re not cult