[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz SoulShade55r, Jgoesgaming, Teleology 3/5
Arete H_Hja 1/5
SoulShade55r Ozzkozz, Arete 2/5
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Why tf did starting cult claim Paladin? Geez

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I figured he was starting based on Italy’s N4.

Italy claimed to have checked Ozz N4 and have gotten occupied when neither Soul nor Arete claimed the occ. Seemed like he found Ozz as cult, but couldn’t reveal the info since he was converted N4 so he just claimed occupied


So they could out failed converts I’m guessing

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Better question: why did the starting Invoker claim Drunk?

Beteter question yet: why is Arete still trying

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Spits out drink


…uh, to be clear, I was talking about Soul.

True, I like the attempt

Arete you should of distanced yourself from ozz

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So you think it’s Soul + Ozz for sure!

Proposal: chances of Ek?

Well I personally know Arete is 100% fake unless ozz lied about being debbed last night because drunks cancel each other out

I’m trying to think how Arete could still be bd at this point

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but that doesn’t explain the italy kill either

HMing Soul to me would be good I think if Ozz flips cult because he won’t target me tonight unless he is CL who is redirectable

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I actually think it’s more likely Soul and Jgoes and they’re praying for EK.

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what about italy dying

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can you please explain it

Galaxy-brain play to allow you to get a mislynch on Ozz, I guess? That one confuses me too.

You guys are wrong. Bookmark the game to refer to for any future games that Soul plays. He is scum. This is how he acts when he is scum. Thank me later.