[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Success is not given as feedback

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Interesting, you may be onto something.

Yeah we all know the plan hopefully. Iā€™m gonna feel really dumb if you flip BD and thereā€™s no bountyā€¦

Donā€™t feel dumb, Tele. I know you are a smart player. Itā€™s not a dumb move to lynch me today.


Ozz is BD but their flip is pretty much gamesolving, is more or less where Iā€™m at right now. So on the one hand I donā€™t want to lynch BD for no reason but on the other hand no matter whether or not thereā€™s a bounty the game ought to be solved by their lynch.

Well it would just be that

  1. I have been voting with scum
  2. I had saved a cultist who wouldā€™ve died to bleed.

But I still think this is the best course of action for town and Iā€™m gonna stick with it

Iā€™m having a tinfoil moment, let me gather my thoughtsā€¦ uh something definitively feels off.

If Ozz flips BD and thereā€™s no bounty, the cultists should be 100 percent outed.

If Ozz flips BD and thereā€™s a bounty, one cultist is outed and Iā€™m pretty sure I have an idea of who the other is.

If Ozz flips scum then we have one scum out, a thunderdome between me and Soul for the other, and a mechanical way to resolve said thunderdome.

Does that sound basically correct to you?


As long as you go into this kind of thinking thereā€™s a chance I could be BD, but that this game solves as Arete said, you have nothing to feel bad about.

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9 Players Right Now

-1 Ozz (if town)
-1 (If Ozz is Bountied).


5 players, 3 of them cult. From Teleā€™s and Vulā€™s night chat last night, Wazza is phys Iā€™m pretty sure from what they said.

This is just too easyā€¦ and Arete has been pushing this.

Ozz feels towny from his final defence to me. I think weā€™re pursuing the complete wrong course hereā€¦

What? No Wazza was cult because there was an erad last night

It feels so off the me that only the past two days has Arete actually done something. Itā€™s just too easy that ā€˜scum is ozz and soulā€™

I feel like Arete is manipulating us


No, Luxy! Wazza recharged Coraxā€™s erads by suiciding. Math it out, man!


Because if Wazza wasnā€™t CL they would be out of wards

I need to read more but I donā€™t like this brb

Then how did Wazza randomly die on a non-erad night with no one claiming it and Vulgard allegedly healing them? That legitimately doesnā€™t make sense.

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I mean TBF I was confused as heck last night

Oh rightā€¦ I need to think it some more because this just feels too convenient that all of a sudden Arete is active and has ā€˜gamesolved.ā€™