[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Here’s how it is:

Arete claimed to Deb Ozz > Hja

Soul claimed to Deb Ozz > Italy

Italy is dead

Ozz said he was redirected and that his target was NS.

One of Arete/Soul is confirmed scum because if they both debauched Ozz then the debs cancel.

Ozz can only be town if Arete is town. Similarly, Arete is scum if Ozz is scum.

Jgo bountied Ozz, so if we lynch Ozz and Ozz is BD, then we lynch Soul because obviously Ozz would be telling the truth about getting NS feedback and Italy isn’t NS.

If Ozz flips BD and isn’t bountied, then we know that Jgo and Soul are both scum. In that case, Jgo has a day ability confirmed by Derps so we know that Jgo isn’t starting scum. Arete debs Soul > Jgo and we lynch Soul and then Jgo the next day (debauching Jgo to someone that’s barriered by Hja and Magnus HMs Jgo to that person).

If Ozz is Cult Leader then we know that Arete is the last cult and Soul HHs Arete and we lynch Arete the next day


Explain how it locks soul as cult?

Soul claims to have debbed Ozz to Italy. Ozz claims his target was changed but that he got an NS result, but Italy was Seeker, and thus not NS.

What if rit disguise on Italy?

This is a perfect post. Well done. I’m glad you prepared for everything.

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Disguise is only 1 use and Hja was found NS N3?

Forces the scumteam to be exactly me/Hja with me as CL and I’m mechanically confirmed not starting CL from Italy’s N1 check (which was outed D2, so he can’t have been converted yet).


Also, I’d have to have killed my own cultist, which while APPARENTLY A THING CORAX DID FOR SOME REASON is not something I’d do.

Right well i gtg so /vote ozz

Yeah. For Hja/Arete to be the scum team it would require 3 things:

  1. Italy was converted N2
  2. Hja was converted N4
  3. Italy was disguised by Hja N5

Here are my issues with this:

  1. Italy found cult N3, and I don’t think he would be able to find an opposing Ritualist with his Seeker abilities (I am under the assumption that Italy was converted N4).
  2. If Italy was converted N2 and Ozz isn’t cult, why did he claim a fake occ on himself N4?
  3. Italy mysteriously died when Ozz was debbed to him? That seems really coincidental
  4. I wouldn’t have personally even considered converting Hja. Also she is still doing weird things with her votes and not pushing a cultist agenda

Meh yeah

What Arete said I guess

I’m also confirmed not starting Cult from Italy’s greencheck, which is left over from when he was BD. (and I have an occ on Ozz N1 so I can’t be starting Rit).

Ozz/Soul has to have a scum in it.


/vote Soul**

Sorry @Solic. I tried to bold that but it didn’t work?

Prob have to do the bold on either side when it’s on a different line

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Yeah I forgot about that. Didn’t think it seemed right, but for different reasons.

That makes sense. I’m on mobile now and I thought it worked like that on desktop, but I mist be mistaken.

** /Unvote **
** /Vote Soul **

Like that, but without the spaces before and after the asterisks.

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