[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Accused Voters Votes
Luxy Soulshade55r, Teleology 2/5

Yeah Idr the scenario tbh. I’ll try to find it

Oh it was this one

Come on join the thunder dome

we have cookies

:eyes: What kind of cookies?

Ones with blood we are cult after all

Wait arete is disugiserand disugised the flip we should vote them

/Vote Arete

/Reveal as Mayor

Mayor got buffed this patch votes count as 5

This is secretly a bastard game and all flips have been fake and Solic is the actual scum


/Vote Solic

Guys I was Squire

/ita Solic

Vote solic guys

Solic threatened to steal my burger if I voted him

I was blackmailed so I had to claim drunk

You forgot the . at the end though.

lets vote solic