[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

@discobot fortune

should I join?

:crystal_ball: Outlook good

Uh oh.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Now you have to

Welp, gimme some moment to think about it, as I still have school and stuff.




Expect mediocre activity


imagine modkilling somebody when there was an avaliable backup
this post was brought to you by the bitter cynical old man gang


I honestly have no idea what to expect from this game or what my play will be. However, thatā€™s what makes me a little excited about this - despite the fact I quit some time ago.

yeah I know fluff post fluff post move along >_<


I donā€™t want to sound rude, but itā€™s time to be not salty anymore. . .

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You arenā€™t allowed to be salty when vulgard is back

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@anon97870008 Who are you I genuinely donā€™t recognize you :laughing:

I donā€™t know if Iā€™m ā€˜backā€™ yet, but even if Iā€™m not feeling it Iā€™ll do my best to play this specific match until the end

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There were a lot of civil wars on the forums and then priestess appeared


Hi, I donā€™t know you either ^^
Iā€™m a ToL Judge and FoL mod since a few months
Iā€™m here to bring peace and kindness to everyone :upside_down_face:


oh so we have 22 now right

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I believe we have 23 as Sulit and Hja have both done /in.

wouldnt the 23rd go onto backup?

Believe so, however Solic might adapt the setup for an extra person or something. Weā€™ll see.

lol add a nk