[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

this is the last scum game of his that I remember, if you want to compare

Also compare it to my town games ect.

Not every game you’re going to act them same, but you’re scum reading me on being inactive the first hours of a in game day and not wanting to rush info out without thinking about it first

Well theres VCFM also where u were inactive at a good bit of the begining of the game, but iirc you didnt get annoyed over people scumreading you for inactivity

He never asked you for info to be instantly given, just do your thing
You’re not the number one target but if you’re BD you’re an easy mislynch rn if any scum tries and attempts to tunnel you

plus ur new town meta is pretty proactive from what I gathered in recent fols, so I aint seeing that either

It’s been less then a Day on Day 2.

I was busy can you understand that? or do you not? Simple question

so yeah get to catching up but I want something before EOD

yeah totally, but Im not liking your tone to be scumread for it

Sure that’s fine but comparing me to that game has some flaws.

  • I played very lazy back then (Trying to Improve).
  • A lot of my posts were meme posts.
  • You don’t take account into my BD(Town) Games, were I generally get called “scum” then someone town reads me for being a easy scum bait lynch.

Just in general I play a lot differently now compare my old town games to how I play and you’ll see a different picture.

self meta sucks lets move on from this subject

Well do you have a more recent scumgame for me to compare to then, if not thats my point of reference

I pointed out VCFM and recent FOLs

Yeah and I took into that into account from ur recent Fols

No you only took my recent town games into account my last two games don’t compare to my other games so look back

@Italy why did you out as paladin? There can be three paladins a game, so outing yourself is pretty dangerous, so I want to know why

Well then give me reference Im not gonna keep searching random old games for me to look back into to just see if ur in them.

@Jane right now ur the biggest lynch atm, what do you think of the recent lynch switch and the people on your wagon

Don’t compare my old scum games to my new recent town games then

So Im just not supposed to use any scum meta at all on you?

If you’re going to scum read me based off old games then you either aren’t putting any effort into reading, or your trying to get a easy scum read crammed out.

Then whats ur new scum meta? Cause from what ur telling me, Im not allowed to use meta on you, have you played any recent scum games even on other sites?

mostly throne experience
know that three of one class is incredibly rare
asked why i’d drop in to claim 3rd paladin with two pally claims to make it clear there are three pally claims

My issue is you should know I behaved differently in those games, because in general I try to be more active nowerdays.

I don’t know my “scum meta”

but you’re comparing old games to new games THAT’S the issue.

at least to this point you could have waited for a third one, and then said theres four pally claims and say one of them is fake, like now ur an outed pally that is a easy convert or kill target, and u outed a greencheck. Like just for the future dont soft or out as Pally or Sheriff in FOL if u have a greencheck unless that person is close to lynch.