[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


@Jane Im curious, what do you think of Jake now? Has your opinion changed?

If hes flipped town Jgoes who should be the jail imo shouldnt be exed right away, and then we check who and why people scumread people and push them.

If hes cult jgoes should be exed cuz right now I think they are a team. Then we find who associated with them and who didnt looking for the convert. Even if it’s that one cult people suspected did the killings. People who were off wagon and those who tr them. Those who jumped on wagons to fast with no reason (I’m not great at my own ways to find associations) then try and get rid if that person d3 unless redcheck came out. And then jail exe them

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Yeah you’re right. Conversion does happen after. I asked Solic

do we have a jail exe? DIdn’t Kyo get jail exed

Oh true… didn’t think about that. Well only prince would know for sure, I guess so they will jail and hold them to be lynched i guess

Btw, whoever is jailed N2, Prince should tell them if they exe’d Kyo or not.


Yeah totally

I can also ask Kyo tonight, but if his flip was altered somehow then he could be lying

Yeah hopefully PKR and Sulit will have figured that out by now. HOPEFULLY


Also, what exactly are you doing to prove yourself? Just talking to the dead or using channel (thats kind of like a revive or something right?)

Btw u can talk and channel it’s not one or the other. Just making sure u know how it works

Ah, I honestly have no idea how channel actually works

U pick someone and they can talk in main chat, they get removed from dead chat. They share the priest vote and can vote for the priest. They are pretty much a extra head that can give opinions and move the priests vote.

Ah okay

So, are you channeling tonight, or no?

Back from dinner. Jake Iso coming shortly.

I plan on channeling tonight, but I will be able to speak to the dead every night due to my passive

who do you plan on channeling?

Probably PKR, but it depends who is caught up and active in dead chat