[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Kai were u high when u accused Ozz with the redcheck?

Why is that

I was perfectly sober, i had my therapist that day which i prefer to be sober for

Ok thnx. Gotta go check the Sogman check now

Well, if jake isn’t jailed and he ‘cs me’ I think itll help prove me.

Kai was high the last time he tried this stunt. Dont know if this really changes much but just fyi

Mostly because I find the whole Kai vs Ozz thing at the start of the day very weird and suspicious, and it feels planned to me. Kai also dropped out pretty quickly when there was a third Paladin claim. When they were getting more suspicion on them, they suddenly started suspecting each other again. As Marshal has already pointed out, Ozzkozz has been contradicting themself, and it hasn’t really stopped since Marshal pointed it out.

It will help prove that u will be dead yes. God why tf do knights and TKs out themselves

because the meta here is to hard claim with pressure on you.

Is a knight CS healable?

It is (at least in Tol).


If u claim before day 3. I have little respect for ya especially if it was unnecessary

Maybe that’s a host question they know FOL better than anyone

i was forced into a claim. so i had some reason

No I think it fits well here

I say this yet I used to do it every game. I just practiced enough that I dont even soft anymore

Well it does fit here but the hosts would know the answer I’m saying

softs are also dumb

scum will pick them out super easily as they’re fucking looking for it

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Anyways, I have a feeling even if he somehow is a knight, ill be okay