[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Yep, N1 was seen in gossip.

Okay sorry for the “fuck off”, but I just think you’re scum. What are your thoughts on Alice?

This is to Arete… sometimes my replies get jacked

Currently skimming her FoL 22 Iso to get a better sense of how she plays as a convert, will report back with results.


^This isn’t super relevant to the comparison between games, but it seems like something that’s probably relevant if Alice flips scum here – it might be worth looking in that scenario for newbies who she appears to be pushing when town!Alice would defend them as likely LHF, if that makes sense.

Otherwise, still working on the FoL 22 skim.

I tested Arete last night and they are cult.

Sorry for the delay. We forgot to cheese cloth the must, so we have to siphon and refilter it.

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So like … this is probably decent as a reaction test in that scum wouldn’t know that they’re being reactiontested, and might slip that the check is real? But also obvious reactiontest is obvious.

So your defense is that its fake?

Accused Voters Votes
Kai_5 Jgoesgaming, Marshal, Vulgard, Luxy, WazzaAzza 5/9
SirDerpsAlot Alice, Kai_5 2/9
Napoleon Teleology 1/9
Arete Ozzkozz 1/9
Vulgard Arete 1/9

…I mean, from my point of view, there are three options:

  1. It’s a reactiontest
  2. I was framed (we figured out Corax Seeker can do that, right, and there might be a Mithras ability that can as well)
  3. Ozz is scum lying to get me out.

3 seems really unlikely to be true here, since I’m generally being read as scummy at this point and he+his scumteam+Tele if she’s not part of this hypothetical scumteam, such that he could probably just push for my lynch normally. 2 is possible but really improbable, though if this does end up being a check that actually occurred in a non-reaction-test way I’d take a look at who was pushing for a recheck on me yesterday, since they may have been trying to set up a chain mislynch. 1 seems like by far the most likely option, since the other two rely on either pretty bad wolf strategy or a fairly impressive coincidence, and it’s not like fake redchecks are uncommon reactiontests.

Obviously this leaves out Option 4) I really am scum, but from my point of view that’s not the case so I have no reason to consider it as a possibility when trying to puzzle out exactly what happened here.

/vote Arete

I don’t think ozz would pull something like that at this point, and the chances of a frame are super unlikely. Also I was thinking you and Italy were buds before this anyways.

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I’m here.

Can you point me to where in the thread you were saying that? I totally believe that you had that as a theory, but I’m kind of busy looking into Alice at this point and I’m too lazy to stop that to search your entire Iso.

Iv been saying im pretty sure you and italy are scum team

Theres a quote

Can you point me to the specific posts where you put forward that theory? Like I said, I believe you, but I’m working on something else right now.

Great, thanks.