[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Also, I kinda started the bus on Soul, so…

the only investigative with no finds*

Dat got an incompatible check the night he died

So… you admit it’s a bus?

Also, any greenchecks on people are almost certainly legitimate provided they come from real Paladins, I think if Corax had a Rit they’d’ve just had their Rit heal Wazza, which suggests that they don’t have a Rit, which means no Brotherhood.

Doesn’t bus mean to start a lynch on someone? I know bussing in ToL is to throw your teammate under the bus, but I thought it was used a little looser around here.

Nice catch hello you’re BD

Idk, I just assumed the meaning was the same.

What? I have 3 greenchecks… Are those not “finds”?

Jgo is out of my PoE for today because I severely doubt scum!Jgo would catch that or point that out

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Finds are redchecks, I think.

If I was cult, don’t you think I’d have an actual find by now?

It’s used a little differently here in that here it can refer to aggressively pushing your scumbuddy whereas in ToL it’s really only used for faking a redcheck on them, but in both cases it’s used to refer to scum pushing other scum.

Ah, that makes sense. And @Vulgard, I disagree with you clearing Jgoes for him calling out me using the word “bus”. Any veteran player can use that tactic. This is a bluffing game, afterall.

Not when all the Mithras cult went and got caught on you. At this point if you’re cult you’d have to hardbus another cultist to have a find.

…your lack of a N1 find is admittedly my fault, but.

It hurts. It would have been a redcheck too :frowning:

The problem is that your greenchecks clear most of the court, and what’s left is a PoE with a handful of people in it, if that makes sense. Also, a real Paladin would almost certainly have hit a Cultist at some point, I think. Let me go do some math.

Do your math first before you start making accusations like that. That’s not fair.

Accused Voters Votes
Soulshade Ozzkozz, Jgoesgaming 2/7
Arete Vulgard 1/7
Ozzkozz Arete 1/7

Napoleon was scumreading Jgoes since early game.