SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

He pushes on me for the fact I initiated a thunderdome.

I don’t know where that is

i smell some salt

And I called you on it xD

then your fucked

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And then I tried like two or three times to signal to you without softing and it just made me more suspicious :upside_down_face:

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I’m not really that salty honestly, more disappointed.
I knew I wasn’t going to do well this game once that post came up.
“Ancient power bla bla bla”
translates to
“Oh hey you were given an extremely powerful role to start with but actually we’re going to be making it extremely conditional, lynch-worthy just for claiming it and useless and there is nothing you can do about it.

Jake is the best group scum member in this game change my mind

He was SR’d by basically no one

Part of that was me not knowing justiciar knew who prince was

Except me grrr

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I considered telling you to read the OP but I thought that would make it too obvious

also given that town know nothing i think scum would go for more ballsy shit

Ballsy? I would be risking killing a scum member for already guaranteed hindered mystic.

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that’s literally how you balance those abilities i-

i’m putting myself into scum shoes. I would go for it, playing utr is boring

your a fucking wolf
act like it

Btw general question — I’m allowed to DM someone that’s dead when I’m dead in the same game as me about the game?

I’d say it depends if there is dead interaction
Alice decides here since the only dead interaction is scum I believe

would say depends on the host

I think whoever designed this airport just didn’t care about people being able to leave it or something