SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

I was worried that if people were too suspicious of you something like the thing that actually happened with the bleed would happen

I love bleeding the town leader just because they push on me


I wouldn’t bleed D1 as Hunter ever

Do it anyway and say ‘I already told people I’d be like this so why would I actually do it’

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Hey at least I didn’t end up disappointed in PKR claiming Hunter as scum that could bleed

Thing is, most people weren’t so if you went against the tide you’d ironically be townier and protect me. And if I flipped Prince scum wouldn’t think you were Justicar because you scumread the Prince. xD

Something I realized this game is that I have no idea how to defend myself as town ever since people stopped autoclearing me for wallposting

It’s easier when I’m scum because scum!Arete doesn’t care about pushing the lynch onto a town member instead

This is brilliant

The wallposts = locktown meme comes from a game where I was NK and several people cleared me for wallposting


Easiest way is too not get scumread in the first place. Make pertinent reads before you come under fire for not making reads.

Make sure you put your thought process in thread, and actually remember how you reached your conclusions xD

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and now people are ever using it as an actual argument

is this how Alice feels about the self-resolving meme

I came back and could tell you’d wallpost as any alignment so I ignored that meta completely

This is the third time I’ve said a few words and got myself killed as town.
Whether it’s

I hardclaim Priest

See, I did that, and I got accused of pocketing :eyes:

Arete asking questions = lockscum reeee

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You read me from a TMI perspective and I called you on it :man_shrugging:

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I don’t even have a particularly consistent meta and metareads on me are therefore worse than nothing

change my mind

Fr tho GTH questions are useless and only work against the noobiest of scum and at that point theres much better ways to read them anyway.

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Yeah I thought it was a pocket too. I was like “wtf? Why is Luxy confirmed town???”

So stop the random GTH’s @Arete

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