SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

I don’t even really know the rules but yeah

I feel like the point she’s making has to be more complicated than ‘if you make the scumteam really powerful, they are more likely to win.’

Mechanical deduction isn’t even where we’re going wrong.

Honestly, I was slightly spanking a bit, but I got midterms, so ehh

if you quoted your classcard thats illegal as its private mod comms, those are never quoted with the quote mechanic

Heck, we’d be doing better if we were relying on mechanical deduction because they’d have mislynched Italy instead of Wazza and Blizer would’ve been immediately outed as scum.

i think the point is that
“if you make good reads scum even if its broken is no match for town”

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It was reads

If you lynched Marshall, would have completely changed the game

Marsh wins MVP

Right, and we didn’t lynch Marshal over mechanics, or at least I didn’t.


pretty much

but tbf, Italys behaviour to both Thunderdones were hot garbage

he is LHF

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Also, I’ll tell you the Claim Mechanic

later though, I got class


It was from the class card list but yeah

then yea thats fine

I’m obviously not gonna do it again

I think the only rule I’ve broken is the ongoing games rule (in FoL 22, about a game I wasn’t in).

Possibly in hindsight I should have been able to figure that one out.

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you can quote from the classcard thread
just not your class card pm

Yeah but it’s kinda annoying anyway unless you’re pointing out an ability like it doesn’t prove anything

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Just autoresolve this already it hurts my soul

Unconditional strongman smh

Thats worse than Sauron change my mind


dae mafia ninja vengeful converter