SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

Can I vote to /concede for all of BD

Yeah but all Sauron could do was be immune to all types of invests

Not kill anyone bypassing everything

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oh yea he was a godfather as well

what the fuck were you thinking

Didnā€™t someone have an ability with the ring to instantly kill him?

They could attack players but they only died if they were Sauron

yea but that is super conditional plus using the ring can turn you into a husk

was a husk a LW?

Husk was a scum aligned neutral citizen

so lost wolf

Marshall could still die at night

he just could bypass anything

and bleed

and suicide bomb

and set up arson based kills

No, he had no way of joining mafia chat and you could still kill them

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Aight so basically if town works out who the UNLIMITED Strongman is, they get punished for it?

Worse than Sauron

Thereā€™s a world in which BD wins.
Itā€™s an unrealistic world, but it exists

So we canā€™t autoresolve

i need a hero

Alright, So Iā€™ll explain what the claim mechanic at play, because it was in play the entire game, and it allowed me to set up a fake red check on italy

It is a passive Omega Action, if anyone softed or claimed their role, they would gain a Mark of Truth, allowing us to see who visited and who they visited

So, we basically knew like 7 peoples roles by the end of day 2

Thatā€™s ridiculous.


itā€™s an interesting take on a anti claim mechanic

Itā€™s not like I submitted the message that there was an anti-claim mechanic in the first thirty seconds of the first day or anything