SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

They know it is Soul
And it is Soul

Is tomorrow here ā€˜D3ā€™ and is it theoretically possible for them to get quicklynched before they get online to submit the action?

They only lose if they gamethrow atp

Marshal is online to set it off now

right yes we just had D3

Are they sufficiently aware of this that thereā€™s no chance of them accidentally gamethrowing due to not realizing it?

They know exactly how theyā€™re endgaming

also I think you should run it until the day kill happens so you donā€™t have to explain 17,000 times why you ended the game before scum reached parity

autoresolve, all scum needs to do is go through the motions

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Not being added to cards is kinda a buzzkill here

Unrelated question, is Alice okay (and just busy or something) or is something wrong?

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I donā€™t know personally

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At the very least you shouldnā€™t autoresolve until youā€™ve been added to cards :upside_down_face:

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Autoresolve, I canā€™t bear to watch and I wanna go next

Alice is working on feedback

Also how horrendous it was that like at least 12 hours of conversation over day 2 was whether my logs were fake or not even after arete pointed it out that they couldnt be


Bad read on Arete in my logs tho, saying she was scum because I was redirected to myself

Can we agree that Marshal GOAT

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Soul and Jake scum MVPs because I am egotistical and I TRā€™d them

Being able to strongman unlimitedly isnā€™t exactly goat.