SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

takes one more vote to lynch i think

only town gets cleaned there. no way scum does

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Kai stalked marshal. if TP didnā€™t fall flat on their faces marshal would have died. mystic canā€™t visit


You would have been redirected

iā€™ve never seen town get swept this cleanly

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I am just miserable because Iā€™ve only won one game and my irl is pretty shitty rn too

donā€™t get caught up in w/l
if i got discouraged every time i did poorly in an org i wouldnā€™t have played as many as i have. What matters is how easily you can dust yourself off and look to the next game


shit did i just say something smart
quick gotta follow it up with the stupidest thing ever

Also, like, your losses include ā€˜Warlock where Cult was out D2 because the CL openclaimed as suchā€™

I really donā€™t think you have to blame yourself

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uhh me like girls haha funny random not true

I just feel like Iā€™m pretty bad and I need to get better but Iā€™m unmotivated, but I will try

you ainā€™t shit

you arenā€™t good either, but you are by no means bad. More expierence and i think youā€™ll turn out to be a good player

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Thanks. Idk how many games Iā€™ve been in Iā€™ve stopped counting, but I donā€™t count the ones I donā€™t like to talk about. (LOTRFM and this one were terrible for me)

itā€™s worth it to continue
this is a great community and it feels amazing when you finally do get your first clutch win
it definitely was for me. I was modkilled or otherwise lost in like my first 8 games.
You eventually get the hang of things and a clutch play and win comes through. It always does for those that stick with it.


donā€™t bother keeping track, nobody can. I only have the stats sheet for me to chart my progress to see where i was and where i am now

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Takes one extra vote to be lynched

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Yeah I just really hate dying early mostly too because it makes me so angry that I have all these opinions and I canā€™t do anything with them

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can confirm, iā€™ve done it on both sides and dear god
itā€™s fucking amazing

SF II was my hype moment for scum