SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

We have no conversion
sorry to disappoint

Only 180’d on marshal since I saw his mystic soft

Channel converts.

Channel (Night) - The target dead player’s voice will be brought back to life until you die. They may speak and use your vote. Upon being converted, target dead player will also be converted, provided they can be. You are immune to occupation and redirection while using this ability. - 1 use

You see, if you use my night action then I can be converted to the Syndicate. Hopefully.

No use it on me im way better since they won’t expect prince to be converted

Using it on me or Luxy since I basically win either way which one you channel.

I really wanted to play this setup, I do think it required a day 1 lynch.

If you’re going semi-closed day 1 lynch is essential


I was so pissed at dying n1 because I was pumped for this setup

Both of the town specials for this setup have died essentially.

Basically all my reads were useless since no day 1 lynch and no one even glancing at what I said day 1 besides me asking to be linked with wazza

I was expecting a sort of JFK Assassination phase of this setup, everyone trying to hide Prince.

Was I obviously prince?

I was completely overwhelmed by Day 1 posts and I was also guaranteed useless prior to Night 2 so I wasn’t really paying attention.

Then I get told I’m going to be useless for longer than Night 2

Yeah you were a bit my dude

They seem pretty aggressive in some instances, which makes me think they are a class that isn’t worried about dying.

Ozz soulread me

I was playing like I knew I was never going to be lynched

Also giving someone priest and then disabling their abilities is 100% anti-fun

If you want to hide as town


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Not exactly feeling a turbo at this moment


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