SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

I thought it was going to be a Town Priest (No IC) vs Scum Mystic (IC) as a ‘test’ to see whether or not town goes for social or mechanical reads.
Nope. Scum has both of them. I thought I was going to get some sort of reward for winning as well.

I am both tbh

Honestly I feel best strategy in fol is just make completely incorrect reads on day 1, avoid the nightkill and then actually do correct stuff day 2


Oh, lovely.

Im going to petition fol balance for a day 1 lynch


I have my turbos start night one because I see day one reads as useless.
People complained so it’s back to day one no lynch.
By the way, you were right about the twilight posting. People should’ve been able to continue posting. That was a mod error.

I tried so hard on this, and was actually happy when i jailed myself because I was guaranteed to heal my own bleed and not die


I literally solved this game day 1 lol

No day one is seen as ‘swingy’
Like hell it is. It’s called giving diversity to situations.

Also wtf is it with people complaining about looking for mechanics in a semi-closed setup?
They can literally gamesolve.

I should’ve put more stuff in my logs but I did not expect to die and I didn’t want to fuck someone’s slot before if I died (and they were town)

I wanted to stay fluid according to what happened during day 2

Your death was one of the things that happened, unfortunately.

I was gonna exe solic n1 tho

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Unless he had a godly claim


Hes a healer who frames his target for the rest of the game

so a phys claim lul

Also lol @ me asking for prince and actually rolling it.

I was hoping people would think me less likely to be prince because of that xD

So it’s basically OP blue dragon gone rogue?