SFOL 53 - Dead Chat


Mislynch PKR.

Big Brain idea leave Arete alive and get her mislynched

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Italy might be your LW with the dark rune ability.

it Ain’t Italy

I’ll tell you that

Oh, fair enough.

Dont think that will be even possible

PKR we can do though

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I mean he deserves it from his play this game.

It took all my self-control of being a moderator not to spray him for his poor play.

im exaggerating

I’m sad at every single town member that decided to vote me off.
I was bleeding town.

Vulgard’s post on you made me think you were scum

Derps is a likely if he gets checked

I declared Derps to be leading lynch tomorrow, did I not?

But like, its a theme: just look at LoTRFM.

Claims most important town role smh


I might go see how Mafia Universe is.

Maybe I am ready for MU.

Biggest thing about MU for me is most of the setups are boring. Like I enjoy VFM, but not every game to be vanilla town xD

I don’t mind being vanilla town. It’s okay I suppose.
This is my winrate on vanilla town.

@Luxy I’ll join a MU if you join the same setup with me :slight_smile:

Not joining anything on MU until I finish school

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Also I realised I basically can’t host anything role-madness-y for the next three months because of school and then trip to America

Sounds fun. Where specifically in America?

Cali, Florida then to Canada for White Christmas with family and then to UK/France to play hockey. Don’t get back until mid-Jan

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