SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

Arete gave us that information on Day 2.

Itā€™s also in Areteā€™s flip

Oh well I wasnā€™t really reading or focusing on mechanics I guess

Pretty sure he can access it infinite times.
I think his omega action was stopping me from getting in dead chat because he was communicating in it.

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reading this thread hurts

Iā€™ve stopped reading the thread.
Iā€™ve already accepted our loss.

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They bet this entire game on one flip.
Oh no.


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Itā€™s not even powerwolfing.
Itā€™s called relying on a cleaned flip to decide the game.
Every town is doing it.

A worse form of powerwolfingā€¦ powertowning. Yes.

In no world should mafia win in a 25player setup because they won one CC.
Thatā€™s beyond absurd. My turbos usually have two CCs take place in a 7 player game.

or maybe hint hint
town fucking relied on mechanics AGAIN and got fucking smacked for it

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(Main Thread)


Can we just talk about how heā€™s making associations of a cleaned flip.

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Ugh itā€™s so obvious

Boomer game

any of you guys up for a turbo?

Oh, hello Blizer.

How are things going in scumchat?