SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

Marshall also has a suicide bomb and when Marshall dies Ozz gets to use his claim vig.

if scum king gets elected, which is extremely likely, the game has to be unwinnable for bd now

oh so itā€™s over already?

shouldnā€™t the game end if itā€™s not winnable for bd

End the game as itā€™s virtually unwinnable for Blue Dragon at this point, please


please make it end
theres no point
end our suffering


let the dead rest

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it IS 99% unwinnable
And when king votes are in and scum king gets elected
itā€™ll be 100%

if youā€™re not comfortable ending the game now, you really should be
And the game is mathematically over when you know scum king will be elected

I may look fly but I want to die


So scum do have more extra kills beyond factional kill
meaning even IF bd king is elected
and even IF BD start the track to lynch every scum one after the other
Parity is still inevitable

just end it. The game is over

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Just end my suffering rn Fr

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BD King canā€™t mathematically be elected assuming Soul doesnā€™t vote a BD King because Blizer gets triple King votes making it 15 v 14

This is before Allegiance because Iā€™m lazy

Side note: bd king will never be elected

So he canā€™t be

If BD king is unelectable, the game is utterly and mathematically over right now.

why make us wait an extra day pointlessly?
if bd king is still electable, explain how @Alice and explain how the post im replying to is false.

If there are Butlers alive they could poison the King

We also donā€™t know what BD Killers are alive or what counterplay scum has