SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

Oh cleaning is always from scum?

Cleaning is not showing the flip, tampering is changing it outright.

Itā€™s just terrible to include tampering for groupscum as they can just mislynch villagers on dumb mechanic reasons and nobody bats an eye.

Yep, thereā€™s no need for villagers to hide information.

Why shouldnā€™t BD have a cleaning ability? FoL is multiball.

Because it doesnā€™t benefit BD to hide a flip.

It is multiball, ergo there are situations where it helps you. Also cleaning is a kind of confirmation, like noble twin.

BD is looking for as much info as possible, when scum usually has it all. So hiding info for BD is just not that helpful, sure a class can have it and be no problem, it just isnt that helpful

We are not in FM. We are in FoL. Scum isnā€™t really informed here.

They know that 11-10 people are totally against them, and 3-4 are semi working for them semi working against them

While if u clean a kill as bd, that doesnt tell u if u have 2 scum left or 3

I could tell you a lot of situations where I would use a clean, if I would have it as BD.

sure do it


  1. It confirms yourself.
  2. In a NK vs cultseen fight, it helps you to play both sides off against each other.
  3. If you think the flip will be disguised, cleaning actually helps you.
  4. Itā€™s hiding information from the evils. Sometimes creating chaos helps BD more than it damages it.

Scum can do it also so probably not

But it also limits info BD has


that could work if BD is competent

I do something that I find definitional/important to myself. Like programming, math, flirt with my gf etc. when I focus on priorities it is harder to be mad about a game


It confirms you as certain classes. Itā€™s not necessarily important to confirm yourself as evil or not.

BD lost majority anyways.

Because it prevents people from getting false associations

usually when a thing is cleaned the cleaner gets info on the clean, depending on the setup

so if its tampered and cleeaned i dont know how that would interact

Uhhh I have no idea what cleaned and tampered means. The term we use in ToL is Disguise.

Cleaned is no info to general public, but sometimes cleaner gets the info. Tampered is flip is wrong, such as disguise

No problem in NAR.

whats that