SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

We can definitely try that.
10-11 BD
2-3 Neuts?
2 Starting Cultseen

or something like that?

I’ll try without adding extra neut slot at first, then adjust from there
I’m hesitant in that regard

Well, adding a neut would at least help the NK, but I see the reason for your hesitation. Especially since many of our neuts aren’t really neutral

The only question I have, is, why was this not run as FM.

Because it has several FoL elements such as King and BD classes. Several other closed setups such as Blender and Conspiracy have been run as FoL before.

I have found the worst best profile picture ever

Can you elaborate which ones? Since I’m blind. Yeah, some fol classcards were copied, yeah, but other than that?

King election, classes with multiple abilities, and whatnot.

King is fol, yes (theoretically, since reshaping king isnt). What else?

You don’t need conversion or for the setup to be semi-open for it to be a FoL.

As long as it either thematically or mechanically fits in then it’s a FoL. We even had ToL-themed smalltown games hosted as FoLs before.

Everything from FoL except conversion
Hilariously one of the only points of contention with this game being classified as an SFoL

The thread is BD-dominated despite 4 BD dying.


Kind of understand by now why they thought that Vulgard was the LW for a moment.

breaking news: ability that stops literally every bad thing that could possibly happen to you at night is in fact not a protective ability because it has like 2 situations where it’s bad

Back in the old days the old FoL team always had the definition of SFoL as a game with 3 out of 4 of:

  • A king mechanic.
  • Conversion
  • Many abilities per class.
  • ToL theming

Although it was fairly flexible in cases that were pretty obviously SFoLs despite not meeting all the neccecary criteria.


Just a question: what do you personally think, how many percent of the active fol players are playing tol regularly?

17 D3
16 N3
15 (maybe 14) D4

This is breaking point, because optimal play would suggest that Marshal blows up at d4

How to trick people to waste their nights

Totally not op btw.

Like, if you find yourself more on BD rather than scum wagons at the EoD that’s kind of your problem.

isn’t that counter intuitive? “Hey, you mislynched, here get some additional punishment too”