SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

Namely Soul/Maxwell/Arete/oneotherperson



like I said, sorry for the replace out, but I would never had inned in this if I would have known this is gonna be a bastard game.

Itā€™s not bastard though

Why is everyone then 100% convinced that a Prince cannot and cannot under any circumstances jail himself :thinking:

Cause not everyone is.

This game isnā€™t bastard. As I said before bastard games contain mechanics that are completely unpredictable in a normal game such as a Prince turning into a Reaper for no reason n4 while the Prince being redirected to themselves is not too out of the ordinary here, especially since the setup is closed.

Iā€™m sorry, this was my first and my last closed setup I ever played. Didnā€™t know that this means semi-bastard.

:man_shrugging: cant tell ya what to do but closed setups are my favorite. Iā€™d give them a chance

Great idea

Closed 13p setup
Literally just cop 13


Iā€™d be down but hereā€™s a better setup
Jojoā€™s Part 5 themed 29 man mash. Oh waitā€¦

Eh, Iā€™m here because I love mechanical solving. And Iā€™m doing the social stuff, to determine which mechanics Iā€™ll use at nighttime.

I get that the situation with Prince is confusing and mostly unintuitive
I wouldnā€™t disparage the concept altogether though

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Jesus Christ mobile

Also, you maybe wondered why I announced that you cannot use omega actions D1ā€¦ I did it, because Alice said on N1 that the game would be reshaped. Ergoā€¦ it wasnā€™t reshaped before.

The Reshape is actually Soulsā€™ night actions.

Thatā€™s why I knew that no Omega action could have been used to bypass prince bypass-immunity.

You know what has a bunch of mechanics and a bunch of abilitiesā€¦
The game I will stop advertising for before itā€™s out of reviewer check. But dont worry itā€™s got all the good stuff. Just its closed