SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

Luxy got soulread by the wolves d1, Kyo’s reputation for FPS’ing got him ML’d d2, and Arete was forced to claim otherwise he’d be mislynched by a tunneling Vulgard.

Like, they should have just quicklynched Solic today, instead lolmechanics and they lynched Kyo because “Dies Irae sounds like an Omega Action for scum Priest.”

We actually just got entirely lucky that Luxy was prince
I was convinced Priestess was prince personally

Seriously, out of all bad reads I’ve seen, this is the worst one I’ve seen in a long-ass while.

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The only mechanic read that was good so far was the Dreaming God read
And that was me

What were they saying it translated to again that made it sound like a evil priest thing
cause its translated to
for me

afaik I was hinting to be Prince/Justiciar

It was mainly you being so confident that Solic was going to be jailed + exed that tipped me off

I totally ignored what everyone wanted me to Eldritch Learn and I’m glad I did because what I actually learned was scary as heck, details coming when I get on laptop

-Arete on what Allegiance does.

He’d had a fit if he’d learn what Dies Irae does.

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Allegiance can never kill, and that’s a good thing :^)

Goddammit I forgot what pepehands actually was

Only if a player votes 5 villagers in a row. At that point it kind of becomes more of a help for town to have players like this removed.


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This will never not make me smile looking back on

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You know who you’re talking to, right?
“Don’t vote town” might be difficult to accomplish.


my read are GREAT,


This game is either a meme gold mine or a travesty

or both

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So, any bets on how hard town’s going to screw themselves over relying on mechanics over reads in Danganronpa after LotR and this SFoL?

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In the end I’m afraid this game will be pretty unsatisfying for all sides, it’s an ez win for an overpowered scum faction, and yeah there were some hilarious mechanical interactions which I hope I can forget or they’ll haunt me in nightmares